- 14 Day Trial
- ✓All Standard Features
- ✓Unlimited Locations
- ✓10,000 Products
- ❌ Team Members
- ❌ WooCommerce Sync
- ❌ Accept in person payments with Stripe Terminal
- ❌ Accept Cash and Checks with Bluskus Cash
- ❌ Option to manually key in credit cards
- ❌ Transactions
- ❌ Api Calls
✓ No monthly Fees
- ✓ All Standard Features
- ✓ Unlimited Locations
- ✓ 10,000 Products
- ✓ Team Members
- ✓ WooCommerce Sync
- ✓ Accept in person payments with Stripe Terminal
- ✓ Accept Cash and Checks with Bluskus Cash
- ✓ Option to manually key in credit cards
- ✓ $0.08 per transaction + 0.3%
- ✓ $0.01 per Api Call